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Instagram VS Reality

It’s time for an installment of Instagram vs Reality. I thought it’d be fun to bring you guys into my REAL life, not the life you see on this blog or my Instagram. What you see online is the highlight reel, the snippets of my life that I think are awesome and make me look awesome and put together. I want to start sharing more of what’s really happening and what the life of a student/photographer/entrepreneur/young adult really looks like.

What I Look Like

On Instagram, I post photos of myself when I’m all dressed up, my hair is newly washed, and I’m I’m laughing all the time.

In reality, I live in athletic shorts, leggings, t-shirts, and hoodies. I wear an actual bra 5% of the time, a sports bra 70% of the time, and the rest I’m just in a shirt. Those days I’m just sitting at home all day, so why bother. My hair is usually in a bun or ponytail, and I stretch the limits of how long I can go without washing my hair. I exclusively shave my legs for weddings or for when it gets so long that I can feel the wind moving it.

Where I Work

Mondays I work in cute cafes, Tuesdays I work in beautiful libraries, Wednesdays I work in a studio space, Thursdays I work on top of a mountain, and Fridays I work in an all white office with no wall outlets.

Um, no. This is where I work every day.

This is the desk in the corner of my room. There is almost no natural light, so I have to have my desk light and my closet light on even in the middle of the day. The bookshelves are filled with notebooks, school supplies, pictures, and keepsakes. Half my desk is tucked under the shelf, so I have minimal space. The chair is uncomfortable so I sit on a blanket and put another on behind my back. Neon pink post-it notes line the wall in front of me to remind me of my goals, my priorities, and my dreams. This space isn’t pretty, but it’s what I have now and I’m making the most of it.

What I Do

This is what most people think photographers do all day:

This is what we actually do:

We sit at our computers. Pretty much 97% of the time. We’re editing photos, emailing clients, writing blog posts, planning social media, working on our websites, or doing one of the thousand other things we do in order to run a business.

Blue light glasses, a cup of water, my open agenda, and my computer are my best friends.

Photographing a Wedding

That being said, when I AM using my camera, this is what photographing a wedding looks like:

I have boundless energy and am high on adrenaline from the day. I’m running around for upwards of 12 hours with over 50 pounds of equipment. I’m probably dehydrated and starving, but won’t know it until I’m in the car driving home. Then my body starts to ache and the day catches up to me.

I love weddings more than anything but they really do take a toll on your body. If I don’t do a long stretch before bed and again in the morning, I could be sore for days. Weddings are certainly glamorous and beautiful, but they’re hard. Mentally and physically.

This is one part of Instagram vs Reality I want to share more of, so look forward to more behind the scenes of a wedding day on my social media.

What I Eat

One of the perks of being a wedding photographer is that we usually get to eat the same meal as everyone else, including a piece of the cake. I’ve tasted plates from some of the best caterers in Virginia and devoured cake slices from dozens of bakeries. Although I eat quickly so I can get back to taking photos, you bet I enjoy every piece of it.

Sadly, I only get to eat these masterpieces a few times a year. As a college student who really doesn’t like to cook, I survive off the simplest (and hopefully cheapest) meals. Here is a meal I made recently that I was ridiculously proud of:

Yep. I was so proud of myself for cooking salmon and slightly-burned asparagus that I took a picture of it. That’s fine dining right there.


I love to share all of my adventures on Instagram. I’m constantly exploring the natural world around me and I take every opportunity I can to get out there.

I really do try to get out as much as I can, but recently I’ve been so busy with grad school that I find it harder to get out. I also hate the cold so I tend to hide inside all winter. That’s why I explore and hike so much during the summer: I have the free time and warm weather to push me to get outside.

Life in General

You might be fooled by Instagram into thinking I’m photographing a wedding every Saturday, driving through the mountains every sunset, or relaxing with easy work in a beautiful office space.

I’m not doing any of these things. Instead I’m sitting in my dark room at my computer most of the time, eating the same basic meals every day, and getting out in the world when I can. This is the life I have right now, and I’m happy with it. I’m excited for the plans I’m working towards, even when the work isn’t very pretty.

I’ll do better with bringing you into real life, but I hope you enjoyed this fun Instagram vs Reality to show you what life really looks like for this student/photographer/entrepreneur/young adult just working my way through the world.

Speaking of Instagram, follow me!

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