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JMU Graduation Portraits | Nicole


Meet Nicole! We’ve known each other for 12 years and she’s been my best friend since early high school. I’ve been looking forward to taking her graduation portraits since freshman year, and it finally happened. She brought along her dog, Skye, and her family. It was seriously so much fun to hang out with all of them for this special session.

Nicole graduated December 2020 with a major in math and minors in environmental science and biology. She can identify trees by their leaves, crunch numbers in different equations, and tell you a lot more about environmentally-friendly construction than anyone else I know.

In addition to all her STEM knowledge, she can tell you the most popular drink of any US state, the smallest details of any Marvel movie, and every lyric to every Disney song ever (or at least the good ones). She’s my road trip buddy, my movie-marathon host, my spy partner in crime, and my best friend. We know each other so well that we literally got each other the same Christmas gift this year.

I couldn’t imagine (or allow) any other photographer taking her graduation portraits, so without further ado, here she is.

Congratulations Nicole!!!!!!!

James Madison University (JMU) graduation portraits
James Madison University (JMU) graduation portraits
James Madison University (JMU) graduation portraits
James Madison University (JMU) graduation portraits
James Madison University (JMU) graduation portraits
James Madison University (JMU) graduation portraits
James Madison University (JMU) graduation portraits
James Madison University (JMU) graduation portraits
James Madison University (JMU) graduation portraits
James Madison University (JMU) graduation portraits
James Madison University (JMU) graduation portraits
James Madison University (JMU) graduation portraits
James Madison University (JMU) graduation portraits
James Madison University (JMU) graduation portraits
James Madison University (JMU) graduation portraits
James Madison University (JMU) graduation portraits
James Madison University (JMU) graduation portraits
James Madison University (JMU) graduation portraits
James Madison University (JMU) graduation portraits
James Madison University (JMU) graduation portraits
James Madison University (JMU) graduation portraits
James Madison University (JMU) graduation portraits
James Madison University (JMU) graduation portraits
James Madison University (JMU) graduation portraits
James Madison University (JMU) graduation portraits
James Madison University (JMU) graduation portraits
James Madison University (JMU) graduation portraits

If you would like graduation portraits like Nicole’s, contact me anytime! And to see more senior sessions, check out my blog!

  • Nicole

    I could not imagine anyone else taking my graduation pictures. Most of the time I do not like being center of attention or having pictures taken. I would usually make a funny face or strike a weird pose. However every time Sydney pulls out her camera I feel comfortable knowing I am in good hands. I was free to be myself. My parents both said they loved the hole experience even though they where not in a lot of the photos. After the fact my mom gushed about how my best friend looked so in her element and how much she seemed to enjoy the hole process. I have seen Sydney grow in her photography journey and while her style has change a bit, I have to say her passion has always been vibrant. Thank you for a great graduation session and I am ready to hit the road again soon! ReplyCancel

    • Sydney Kane

      Cue the tears :’) I can’t wait for all our adventures ahead, including me photographing your wedding because I’m not letting anyone else do it <3ReplyCancel
