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50 Blog Post Ideas

Here are 50 blog post ideas for wedding photographers!

You’re sitting there with a blank screen, your fingers hovering over the keys, but the inspiration won’t come. You have no blog post ideas. What do you write about for your blog? How can you give value to your clients and readers with your posts? What content will stand the test of time and be used over and over again?

If you’re feeling stuck, here are 50 blog post ideas to get you started!

Here’s my step by step guide for how to create a blog content calendar filled with ideas relevant to your ideal clients.

Don’t feel like doing it yourself? Get a year’s worth of blog content here, complete with week by week prompts and strategically organized posts.

Blog Posts That Answer FAQ’s

If you find yourself answering the same question dozens of times, it’s time to make a blog post about it! The next time someone asks you, you can send them the link and they can get a beautiful and well thought out response instead of your rushed or agitated reply. What FAQ’s do you get? Here are a few to start with!

How can I book or hire you?

What are your rates?

What is the process like working with you?

Do you travel? Are there travel costs?

What equipment do you use?

What computer software or subscriptions do you use?

How many images do you deliver? Do you give the full gallery or do I have to buy a set amount?

What is your turnaround time?

You can turn frequently asked questions into blog posts!

Blog Posts That Will Help Your Clients

You can give value to your client’s experience by giving tips and information without them asking for it. You can help them plan or prepare or get them in the mindset of working with you. Here are a few examples of what this could include!

When you should have your session or use your products

What to wear

How to include your pets

How to include your family

What props or things to bring

How to prepare your kids to be part of the wedding

Location suggestions

Tips for how to prepare for your session

Tips for each part of the wedding day

How to save money in your niche

You can have blog posts that help your clients prepare for their sessions or get ready to work with you

Inspirational Blog Posts

In addition to helping your clients prepare, you can give them inspiration for working with you. Get them excited and give them ideas! Here are a few posts to get you going.

Your favorite venues or places to take pictures

Your favorite vendors for each category (florists, DJs, photographers, etc.)

A collection of images for inspiration for hair, dresses, shoes, details, flowers, etc.

Tips for how to use or display the photos

Some blog post ideas are to give inspiration to your clients, such as what wedding jackets are most stylish

Educational Blog Posts

Give tips and inspiration to those who want to be like you! Educate by explaining how you do certain things, your mindsets behind each part of your business, and your journey to where you are now.

What tips do you have to beginners in your niche?

Your workflow

How you use each social media platform

Your best tips for running your business

How you’ve expanded and grown over the years

The mistakes you’ve made along the way

Blog Posts About You

We want to get to know you! We don’t need to know every detail about your life, but let us into the parts that align with the goals of your business and will help us understand you better. Here are a few topics.

How did you start your business? How did you get here?

What are your goals for the next year? 5 years?

What are your favorite parts about your job?

How have you improved over time?

How did you find your style or niche?

What inspires you?

What’s on your bucket list?

What lessons have you learned through your business?

What do you wish you could tell yourself when you were starting your business?

Your travels

10 facts you might not know about me

A day in the life

Blog post ideas also include posts about you! What are your favorite things about your job? Mine is this moment just before she walks down the aisle

Want to see more education like this? Check out my photographer education section on my blog!

Want more education about blogging? Check out all my blogging resources!

Pin this article here to keep all these ideas!
